Sunday, December 2, 2012

[Wo]man Cave

This weekend, I took a deep breath, and tackled my [wo]man cave.  It is my studio and my office; and if I were five years old, it would be considered my playroom.  When we moved in, it looked like this:

Due to school, this room was open-for-business during construction -- and it was almost the end of me. However, I'm happy to report that it is finally finished; carpet stripped, walls painted, blinds up, and yes, I. know. where. everything. is.

It took me an entire Saturday to complete, but I am pretty pleased with myself. Here is what is looked like about mid-way through the unpacking and organizing process:

And after about seven hours of that (not an exaggeration) -- I ended up with this:

It's a dream, right? Here are a few of my favorite details:

Because every [wo]man cave needs twinkle lights.

Happy Sunday, all.


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