Monday, December 17, 2012

Weekend Wrap-Up

Our weekend began with my realizing that we have an entire garden a'bloomin' in our back yard, and it  ended with a tree limb a'breakin' in our front yard.

Yep, on Sunday night we came home to our sweet neighbor [unsuccessfully] trying to move a ginormous limb, that came from a tree on our property, out of the road so that she could leave. It was pouring rain and our phone, internet, and cable line had been ripped from the pole and was tangled in the limbs.

Long story short, we are still without means of entertainment and communication with the outside world. So, I'm sitting at a coffee shop down the road, surrounded by college students studying for finals. Never have I ever been more thankful to be on break from school. (I feel the overwhelming urge to pat the shoulder of the girl next to me, and tell her that everything will be okay.)

Anyhow, back to the garden a'bloomin' -- look what I found in our backyard this weekend:

That last one is a poinsettia. It is right on time as I think the entire bush will be in full bloom come Christmas.

On Saturday afternoon we took part in a wonderful holiday tradition with Jeff's family: sugar cookies.

Every holiday season, the Glenn family gets together with another particularly wonderful family, and they all eat pizza and make sugar cookies. They have been doing this for 30 years, since both sets of parents were wild-twenty-something-year-olds living in the same apartment building. (To my knowledge, they've never missed a year.) It is, by far, one of my favorite holiday traditions; mainly, because of all of the sprinkles that are involved.

According to his creator, the above gentleman was on his way to a golf tournament.

At the end of the night, the cookies are divided among the families. I always cross my fingers and hope that we get all of the green ones. 

I'm told that there is nothing different about the green ones, but I'm not so sure.

Anyhow, Jeff and I also crossed a few things off of our house-list this weekend. About a month ago, we found the louvered doors that separate the foyer from the family room. They were buried in the shed [for who knows how many years] and this weekend we cleaned them, added new hardware, and hung them. I am going to do an entire post on this project, but here's a sneak peek: 

We also managed to finally get the guest mattress and box spring off the floor -- it was "the quickest and easiest project ever" as my dad correctly predicted.

Originally, Jeff had some elaborate plan that involved brackets and screws, but Dad [thankfully] managed to convince him to just get some wooden boards cut down to size...and ta daaaaaaa, our bed grew twelve inches that day.

In other news, we bought a rug for the master bedroom this weekend; and I have to say that it is perhaps the best deal I've ever gotten...on anything...ever.

On Sunday, we ran across this 8'x10' rug at Home Depot on clearance for a $137. What did you say, only $137?? Yes, only $137. We were sold.

We asked an associate if it was in stock, and sadly it was not. However, we also learned that this rug was being discontinued, and wait for it ... that it was actually on sale for $49. After we picked our jaws off the floor we had the associate find the nearest location with one in stock, and we were out the door. Three hours [and one stand-off with a Home Depot manager] later, we were on our way home with a $49, 8'x10' rug. Boom.

Oh, and Toby was at the groomers for seven hours on Sunday getting his hair did for the holidays. He was supposed to get his photo made with Santa Claws that day, but apparently he wouldn't stop chomping at the hair dryer, so they had to let him air dry -- and in turn, we missed Mr. Claws. Toby is so clever.

When we got home, Toby proceeded to chew the blue "Pet Smart" bandana to shreds.

Have a great week, all.


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