Thursday, December 13, 2012

Guest Bedroom - Progress

Our guest bedroom, like everything else in our life, is a work in progress. I have to admit, however, that it is turning out to be one of my favorite rooms in the house. If nothing else, it is certainly the greenest room in our house. (And no, I don't mean it's the most energy efficient -- I mean, um, it's the most green.)

Martha Stewart calls it, "Retro Avocado" -- not her most original moment, but it's fitting.

We are still in the very early stages here, but I thought our progress was worthy of an update.

This room has a million little projects that are only half-way complete. Are you seeing a pattern? As it turns out, Jeff and I have A.D.D. when it comes to home remodeling. We're all prep wall, paint wall, start to install new electrical outlets, Ohhh, look at this cool back splash on Pinterest. End scene.

To be fair, some projects are just boring -- and changing out switch plates and outlet covers is one of them. We try to keep it real up in here; Jeff just wants to build things, and all I really want to do is refinish our floors with one of those big spinning sanding machines. (HGTV did not adequately prepare us for the endless number of switch plates and outlet covers we'd have to replace. Lies. All lies, I tell you.)

Anyhow, here is what your room looked like when we first moved in:

Here is what it looked like about two weeks ago:

And thanks to a lot of help from friends and family, here's what it looks like tonight:

Notice the difference sunlight makes with the green? It is a complex and temperamental hue.

The dresser and bed frame was left with the house; and I am in love with it. (P.S. The side table is actually a sewing machine.) Eventually, we'll put risers under the bed -- and Jeff still needs to build some cross bars to keep the box spring and mattress off the floor:

But honestly, how beautiful is this bed:

It has been in the attic for probably 40-60 years? It is solid wood, and is perfectly retro-modern.  

Here is a brief run down on the things-still-left-to-do-list.

1. Paint and fix closet doors:

2. Repaint intercom and install (or else, we may lose a cat):

3. Quarter round molding along the base boards:

4. Clean out and paint interior of closet:

5. Hang these beauties (found in a drawer in the carport):

(6.) Buy rug, (7.) hang curtains found in attic and currently at the cleaners, (8.) put up ceiling molding, (9.) hang art work, (10.) hang mirror, (11.) change vents and switch plates, etc., etc., etc.

Brief, I know -- but the details will bore you. And remember, we like to keep it real. Plus, I really want you to see the green in the daylight. It is, hands down, the most beautiful ugly color you've ever seen.

Here's a before and progress shot for you to remember us by:

I know, you can't wait to spend the night with us. I get it.


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