Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Shed

Jeff has officially arrived.

In addition to claiming one of the bedrooms as his man cave, Jeff also has a shed in the backyard to store his growing collection of testosterone-induced purchases. 

The shed came to us complete with a cute little window in the back, a random assortment of tools, pool chemicals, an old army chest, and...wait for it...electricity. All it needs now is running water and it will officially be a man apartment.

There is still quite a bit of rummaging and cleaning out to do to make the space functional, however, we are getting there.  

For now, here's a lovely "before" shot of the man-apartment. Soon, I'll post on all of the fun things we found inside last weekend. Spoiler alert: a battery-operated-mosquito-killing tennis racket. You heard me. 

Monday, October 22, 2012

Ready, set, blog...

We have officially been in our new house for one month; one month and three days, to be exact.

This also means, however, that I am one month and two days behind my original schedule -- to start a blog.

Well, I'm finally making good on my promise. I've officially reached "write first blog post" on my to-do list. This is a miracle as it means that I have also crossed "sleep for eight hours" off my list, too!

This first post is just a quick hello to let you know that we're alive. I am also happy to report [because I know you all are dying to know] that the animals are settling in beautifully. Leo is in heaven with all of the natural light, Toby has claimed the backyard as his kingdom, and well, still Chance. He likes to play with bobby pins.

I am working on a photo based house-tour to track the progress of each room; so, the next time I crumble on the floor and whimper, "Can't we just hire someone to do this?" -- Jeff can redirect my attention to the progress we're making. It's kind of hard to absorb when you're living in a construction zone. Seriously, I have to move a mattress every time I want to take a shower.

So, here's a run down on what's been happening:

In retrospect, that is a disturbingly accurate portrayal of the last few weeks of our life.

We would not have survived without our parents and friends -- and of course, our local pizza shop and drive thru liquor store. Yes, you heard me right, drive thru...

The house tour will be up and running very soon. All our love!