Monday, February 25, 2013

Weekend Wrap-Up

We have progress! This weekend, on top of catching up on work and school, and recovering from our trip to Parris Island, we managed to make a little bit of headway on the house. Not much, mind you, but it's something.

Thankfully, we have entered the final stretch in the foyer, which meant framing artwork, shopping for floor runners, and beginning the dreaded task of cleaning the chandelier below -- one crystal at a time.

Jeff took it upon himself to start removing the crystals, which turned out to be a two person job. I was called in for assistance about half-way through the process, at which point I screamed, "What are you doing?! I need to get my camera!!"

We managed to get all of the crystals down without a single mishap. However, I must have gotten distracted as the crystals never made it to the sink to be cleaned.

On the table they will remain until next weekend. In other news, we are about 75% of the way through with cleaning out the carport -- which I'm sure is a relief to our neighbors and our FedEx/UPS delivery people. Below is a before and almost-after shot.

We're getting there. Oh, and where did the aquarium go, you ask? Well, people, it made it into the house -- so Jeff has officially won this battle. The reef tank stays ... in the man cave.

Apparently, there are still several more steps to be taken before we have a full-blown ecosystem on our hands, but he's getting very close to being finished with the build.

Honestly, I can't wait to welcome Nemo into our family. It's going to be a big day. 



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